Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dear Diary: November 22, 2006

… I enjoyed Adam Gopnik’s talk [Concordia Reading Series]. Especially his words at the end when he was answering questions. What he said related to the last two weeks. The need to write physically. Make it concrete – get it out. Make it a feat of endurance and stamina – it will be terrible but it doesn’t matter. It’s out, then you can make it good. Also, you have to write your way out of a problem – work. And it is good to find something you can “usefully attach an obsession to”…


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Progress: September 2006

Tongue Rug project is shelved until I finish my thesis: La mutabilité au sein de trois œuvres franco-ontariennes : une lecture du Malade imaginaire d’André Paiement, de L’Homme invisible/The Invisible Man de Patrice Desbiens et du Testament du couturier de Michel Ouellette. Though my thesis centers on franco-ontarian theatre and literature, drawing on the notion of hypermodernity, much of the research (politics of language, mutability, performativity) will inform the Tongue Rug project when I get back to it ...

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dear Diary: July 22, 2006

… We talked of all kinds of things: work, literature, art… He had some pretty insightful comments. About Tongue Rug: he asked me to summarize which I did. He said that the German word for bike and for soul were quite similar. He added that the fact that I was searching for lakes was interesting in a Jungian way, as lakes were also close to the soul. I agreed with him saying that a lot of my pieces are about time and process. I might not know what the end result of a project will be at the beginning… Orphan Train was one sort of journey and Tongue Rug another. A pilgrimage but not in a religious sense.